,然后回复标准输出并且关闭文件描述符4function while_read_line_bottom_fd_out { >$OUTFILE exec 4<&1 exec 1> $OUTFILE while read LINE do echo "$LINE" : done < $INFILE exec 1<$4 exec 4>&- }
function while_read_line_bottom { >$OUTFILE while read LINE do echo "$LINE" >> $OUTFILE : done < $INFILE }
- 任务描述,拷贝文件夹到远程目录
- 一般来说一句命令就行了
scp /home/frank/local.txt root@
- 但是我们想写个shell脚本,自动拷贝目录到15台远程机器上
- 目标:不进行密码提示,直接拷贝,对每个机器的配置不同,要先sed处理配置文件,以及expect使用
- 因为我是mac机器做这个操作,所以直接本地安装expect,
brew install expect
安装成功后如下:🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/tcl-tk/8.6.11_1: 3,041 files, 51.6MB ==> Installing expect ==> Pouring expect--5.45.4_1.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz License: Public Domain ==> Dependencies Build: autoconf ✔, automake ✔, libtool ✘ Required: tcl-tk ✔
- 先把要部署上去的服务器的信息写好到配置文件中,但是我有一堆按行的配置信息,拷贝过来就是这样,所以要先处理下
园区1 100001 user1 pass1 类型1 类型2 园区2 100002 user2 pass 抽帧服务器 room/road ..以下还有50条
- emacs宏命令处理这种就挺方便的
园区1,100001,user1,pass1,类型1,类型2 园区2,100002,user2,pass,类型3,类型4 ..以下还有50条 # setting emacs macros as below. # F3 to start define macro # Ctrl-e to go to the end of the line # then add space and dot # the second space will to to next line # the delete will make second line append to the end of first line # F4 to end define macro # go to certain line, and Enjoy F4 to help you avoid the dirty operation. F3 + Ctrl-e + space + , + space + delete +F4
- 拷贝脚本
#!/bin/sh # add time for user friendly output curtime=$(date +%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S) # read server config from file cat /Users/frank/server.yaml | while read line do IFS=', ' read -r -a serverConfig <<< $line echo [$curtime] "Start To Deploy: ${serverConfig[5]}" # 1. read APICONST file and replace with server config and split by comma # 2. replace base url and instrument url BASE_URL="${serverConfig[1]}:${serverConfig[8]}" INSTRUMENT_URL="${serverConfig[1]}:${serverConfig[9]}" # below command will work in mac environment, if you have linux, try this one instead # sed -i 's/BASE_URL:.*,/BASE_URL: '\"${BASE_URL}\",'/g' /Users/g2/work/fe-algo/src/services/APIConst.js sed -i "" 's/BASE_URL:.*,/BASE_URL: '\"${BASE_URL}\",'/g' src/services/APIConst.js sed -i "" 's/INSTURMENT_URL:.*,/INSTURMENT_URL: '\"${INSTRUMENT_URL}\",'/g' src/services/APIConst.js echo [$curtime] "Deploy ${serverConfig[5]} : [......Base URL] change to: ${BASE_URL}" echo [$curtime] "Deploy ${serverConfig[5]} : [Instrument URL] change to: ${INSTRUMENT_URL}" # 3. npm run build to build website echo [$curtime] "Working Directory: ${PWD}" echo [$curtime] "Check Node_Module Directory..." NodeModuleDir="${PWD}/node_modules" if [ -d "$NodeModuleDir" ]; then echo [$curtime] "node module already existed, run npm build directly" else echo [$curtime] "no node module found, run npm install and then build" npm install > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo [$curtime] "Start To Build: " # npm run build > /dev/null 2>&1 curtime=$(date +%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S) echo [$curtime] "Build Completed!" echo [$curtime] "Check Build Output:" ls -la ${PWD}/dist/ # 4. scp copy current dist folder to certain server set timeout 160 username=${serverConfig[3]} host=${serverConfig[1]} pass=${serverConfig[4]} port=${serverConfig[2]} echo "username:${username},host:${host},pass:${pass},port:${port}" echo "scp command:" echo "scp -P ${port} -r ${PWD}/dist/ ${username}@${host}:/home/${username}/work/webcontent/" expect_commands=" spawn scp -P ${port} -r ${PWD}/dist ${username}@${host}:/home/${username}/work/webcontent expect \"password:\" send \"${pass}\r\" expect eof " expect -c "${expect_commands}" curtime=$(date +%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S) echo [$curtime] "SCP Copy file Completed." echo "[$curtime] scp completed." # 5. check server status: nginx, frp # 6. output the machine deploy status done # add progressing bar when doing the deployment